"Comedy Assembly is an "Abuja monthly Comedy Show" and the gathering of all the talented Comedians in one show. The event is package by Bebiem Entertainment and is anchored by Nigerian top Comedian, Event promoter and presenter "Nick B".
Host: NickB |
The show is also a platform for raising stars, as they are given the opportunity to Showcase what they have. Each of the edition features 15 Top Comedians and Musicians that ensures maximum relaxation, entertainment and fun.
The Comedy Assembly holds every last Sunday of the month @ The 3js Hotel Utako, Abuja by 5 pm. This Month of July 2013, is the 9th edition of the comedy show.
In Comedy Assembly, we celebrate birthdays for all those born in the month of the show. Follow @comedyassembly @nickbebiem Date: 28th July, 2013
Venue: 3js Hotel Utako, Abuja
Time: 5pm
For More Info, call: 07059999003
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